Patent leather doesn't mean no-care needed
Is your patent leather real leather? And how to take care of them. Here's a quick look.
Not all leather scratches are created equal!
Some say slight facial scars can be attractive. But we doubt anyone would say likewise for scratches on their leathers! So what do you do?
Tips and tricks to care for vachetta leather
So, vachetta leather - What exactly is this type of leather? Many people have asked us questions on vachetta leather. We thought we will do a bit of digging for you.
My leather gets caught up in the rain!
It’s that time of the year when we see lots of rain. If you had not protected your leather with some protectant, you might find yourself in a rather difficult spot.
5 leather furniture care tips you don't want to miss
Love that leather furniture and couch too much? Some easy tips for keeping them clean and supple!
3 "whys" of leather care
Treat your leather well or they will not give you the love back as they would like to. And, here's why I think Mum was right about leather care.
Rid that liquid on your leather?
Is water good or bad for leather? Too little? Too much? Find out why it's neither.
Myths and Truths of Leather Care
While many of us may have lost the basic knowledge about leather care and allowing misinformation to take hold. Do we know what are the truths and what are myths? While there are many DIY solutions on the Internet, how do we know which actually works, or maybe not?
Suede. What do you do with it?
We all like the nice fuzzy feeling when brushing our hands off suede and also how lush it looks. But, owning anything that’s suede also means that we get paranoid about dirt, grease and water. Well, taking care of suede can be easy too. Find out how.
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